Terminal Tuesday - The Beginning

December 22, 2020
2 minutes

When I first started using Linux over Windows, I was looking for a flexible working environment that also respected privacy and celebrated open source software and community. Most people I run into who use Linux (which isn’t a whole lot) seem to start for similar reasons.

Like most beginners, I avoided the terminal as much as possible for fear of messing things up to an unrecoverable state. I was I was interested in keeping my workflow closer to a drop-in replacement for Windows.

However, the longer I use Linux the more I find that the GUI interfaces are obtrusive, stealing valuable screen real estate from my laptop screen. I decided to start migrating heavier unecessary GUI based apps with terminal based ones and share the journey.

I’m calling this #TerminalTuesday. Every Tuesday I’ll talk about an application that I’ve moved over from a GUI equivalent I was using previously.

Why haven’t I done this sooner?

For me, moving to a more terminal based workflow means that I already know what I want to do. GUI applications are a great entry point to figure out what I’m doing, and ultimately, may be the best way to solve my workflow.

Once I have a good idea of what I’m trying to do, instead of trying a different GUI application and going through a bunch of configurations that it may or may not do, I am experiementing with a terminal equivalent. My focus is content, not interface.

Some general setup

I mentioned a few setup tweaks I made in my Fedora post, but here’s a few more that I’ve used to navigate around the desktop:

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Navigating Workspaces Super + PgUp or PgDown
Moving Apps to Workspaces Shift + Super + PgUp or PgDown
Splitting App to Left or Right of Screen Super + Left or Right
Opening a New Terminal Tab Ctrl + Shift + T
Navigating Terminals Ctrl + PgUp or PgDown, or Alt + Num

These are for Fedora, but I usually these shortcuts are pretty universal. Looking forward to sharing more!


Day 11 of #100DaysToOffload